Some groups have had to change the way we do things during Covid. This is definitely true with groups testing for amateur radio. When Chris Cancilla (W4CEC) offers a amateur radio class you should take it! See his About page for his credentials. Chris found a outdoor venue using Camp Durant in Carthage, NC. Chris offered anyone wishing to camp to do so. Only three of us ended up camping in the Cold winter of North Carolina. The only problem I had was that I got cold Friday night. The 23 degree weather we had Friday Night on December 11 gave me an issue. Chris insists that the low was 43 but I know It was 23. I had camped earlier this year with putting a sleeping bag in my Ford Flex but hadn’t done any tent camping in 28 years. This was billed as a free amateur radio technician class and exam. Free amateur radio exams you ask? Check the LAUREL VEC website for testing near you or how to start your own free VE team.
Chris built a small repeater for the licensed attendees to use while at camp. You can get the details here.
Chris went thru all the technician questions and students were able to practice fox hunting, hunting for a hidden transmitter.

Father and Son practice finding the hidden transmitter
We also heard the repeater on the International Space Station (ISS) Check this Youtube Video

Group shot getting ready for ISS
We were not successful in making a contact but it was fun trying.
Chris had 8 students register but some had to cancel out at the last minute due to other issues. Exam results revealed 6 new technicians, 1 General Upgrade, and 2 upgrades to Extra Class.
We were successful with the HF radio contact. Making contents in Maryland and Georgia. The radio was a Icom 7100 using a 40 meter commercial dipole antenna.

Icom 7100 Demo for Tech Class

40 Meter Dipole Commercial Antenna
Sorry about the formatting for the images but I haven’t quite got the word-press formatting figured out.