Next Testing session
The next FCVET exam will be Thursday May 20 by appointment. We have to restrict the number of our applicants due to parking limitations so we do ask that you register here.
South Wake ARC Swap fest
Souhwake will be hosting a swap fest Saturday May 22, 2021 from 8 AM until Noon. The cost is free and all are welcome. at the Golden Corral 3551 Grinnell Street, Raleigh, NC.
JARS Monthly Meeting
The JARS will have their monthly meeting Thursday May 20, 2021. If you will be eating dinner show up about 6. Meeting starts at 7:00. The meeting is at the Cleveland Draft House, 461 Shotwell Rd, Clayton, NC 27520.
JARS Multi-club cookout big success
The JARS multi-club cookout was a big success Saturday May 15. I saw multiple clubs and many graduates from the FCVET in attendance.

Randall and Robby

KE4NKY and wife

KG4BBS Tim Davis
Weekly net
Please join us 7:00PM Sunday for the Five County Ham Radio Enthusiasts net on the Carolina 440 network. You will be able to find your closest repeater here If you are not close to the repeater or are unlicensed or you would like to just listen on line try here. Tony Hall (WW4TCH) is our regular net control station. Thanks to the Carolina 440 net for the use of the repeater. If you would like to help out or join the group click on the link.Tell them FCHRE sent you.
Astronomy Events
A couple of years ago I took a photography course from a friend that is also a member of the Raleigh Astronomy Club. He is a award winning and accomplished photographer and astrophotographer. He invited me to his observatory and the pandemic hit. Our schedule finally worked out and I got to go to the observatory Friday night. He made my camera do things that I didn’t think was possible. Here is just one result. I will be posting more on my personal website here.
We have the first quarter moon on the Wednesday. It is very interesting to look at the moon with a telescope or a pair of binoculars. Take a look at the area of the terminator to see how the shadows change what you are able to see thru the course of the month.

M65 and M66 and NGC 3628
25 sixty second exposures stacked 102mm F/6.9 refractor
Thanks for reading. 73’s and clear skies
Mark Gibson (N4MQU)