The Logbook of the FCHRE
Monthly Gathering

Our return to Mclean’s
Our return to McLeans found two of our newest members Larry Hill KO4BYM (a new ham) and Mike Beamon (KN4DPX) coming to the gathering along with AJ4NX, KJ4TUC, KD4JMJ and N4MQU.
We welcome our newest members Mike Beamon (KN4DPX) and John Garrett (N4YFU) to the group. Mike joined via our website and John came in as a VE team member.
If anyone wishes to add their bio to this website send me something.
This graph shows our growth so far this year. I add a new VE as a member and people that sign up at Membership Application

Our 2020 new members graph
March 7 Testing Session

Thanks to Contentnea Fire Department In Wilson, NC for hosting our March amateur radio testing. This was the first time we allowed walk-ins and we had two.
We had 8 applicants taking 10 elements (exams). One applicant returning to the hobby Domingo Rogers KO4CKE Be sure to welcome him back to amateur radio. Two applicants received their Extra Class license Upgrade N4YFU John Garrett and KO4BHV Jason Lind. Not everyone received what they came for but they didn’t have to pay for it either!
N4YFU has joined the FCVET. I’ve know John since I first moved to North Carolina and I am sure he will be a great asset to the team.
Thanks to the Volunteer Examiners that helped out at our testing session KK4QEF, NC4KG, AJ4NX, KK4QDZ and W4BRG. I appreciate all of the VE’s and completely understand other commitments that prevent everyone from coming. I think it is important to note since we have a wide area and we don’t test in the same facility I think that in itself is an asset bringing the testing session to the people. I am reaching out to other facilities to schedule our next testing session.

Larry KO4BYM and Glenn NC4KG

Activity of the FCVET
W4CEC Receives ARRL Service to Scouting Award
A couple of years ago I saw a post on the Franklin County ARC page talking about a new class for scouts and others for the technician exam and the only thing they have to pay for was the exam. Naturally I had to attempt stop that and contacted W4CEC Chris Cancilla and remarkably he agreed to allow FCVET to administer the free exams. We had the biggest group at a testing session to date (37). We gathered VE’s from multiple groups and it was a great learning experience. Chris later received his Extra class license and joined the FCVET and after encouragement from me he started his own VE team. I didn’t really know how involved Chris was in scouting. Chris informed me that he was going to receive the ARRL Service to Scouting Award at the Franklin County Amateur Radio Club meeting. The ARRL North Carolina Section Manager, Karl Bowman – W4CHX, presented the award. Here is the link to the YouTube Video.
Thank You
Thank you for reading this blog. If you are not a member of the Five County Ham Radio Enthusiasts join by signing up here. Our next dinner gathering is April 13 at Mclean’s.