By Richard Hall K7RLH
Mark Gibson, N4MQU, challenged members of FCHRE to expand our horizons and consider becoming an Aux Comm member, so, I accepted the challenge. Using my stay-at-home time wisely, I set out to complete the required courses listed on the FCHRE web site for Aux Comm.There is a daunting amount of material to learn and absorb, but, just like anything else, it will require putting things into practice to really make it stick! I was able to complete the four mandatory courses over five days and print my certificates. The next step was to register with NC Aux Comm Society and I must admit that I was puzzled at first.I reached out to Mark about the inability to register without a login password and he redirected my request to Scott Lewis, AB4SL. I received an email from Scott asking you for copies of my completion certificates and he advised that I would receive an invitation to enter the NC Aux Comm database information within a few days. I subsequently received the invitation with a login password and have filled out the database required info. So, having said all that, it really wasn’t all that difficult and I’m now in the database.