Please join us 7:00PM Sunday for the Five County Ham Radio Enthusiasts net on the Carolina 440 network. You will be able to find your closest repeater here If you are not close to the repeater or are unlicensed or you would like to just listen on line try here. Tony Hall (WW4TCH) is our regular net control station.
If you have thought you would like to serve the community during an emergency the best way to get ready is to learn to call a net. Let me know if you are interested in becoming a net control operator. This net is checkin driven meaning you can bring up other subjects like, building models or astronomy.
Thanks to the Carolina 440 net for the use of the repeater. If you would like to help out or join the group click on the link.Tell them FCHRE sent you.
Our in person dinner gathering returns!
Tuesday May 4 6:00 PM Mclean’s 418 W Gannon Ave, Zebulon, NC 27597
April by the numbers
22 applicants 11 New Technicians 2 New Generals 6 Upgrades to General 2 Upgrades to Extra
Sunday net checkins
I think the system is missing a net somehow but what it shows is 33 but I know that is in error. I think it is missing the net I called. Help the numbers look different this month by checking in. You can check in even if you are not from the area. Check the Carolina 440 link above.
Groups IO
We hit 202 members in April and had an all time record (since June 2019) of 350 messages that means everything was counted responses to posts etc. I’ve had people leave the group due to the number of posts. Please don’t do that. At the bottom of the email are options like no emails or mute topics. You have options.
May 1 testing session
19 Applicants 11 new Technicians 3 New Generals 2 Upgrades to General
A visit from the section manager

We had a visit from the ARRL North Carolina Section Manager Marvin Hoffman (WA4NC) at the test session May 1. He presented the FCVET with the SUGAR award. Supporting Upgrading Growing Amateur Radio. The certificate reads in part “Recognizes The Five County Amateur Radio Enthusiasts for their superior efforts involved in organizing Volunteer Examiner Sessions During the COVID-19 Pandemic.”
Thank you For coming Marv. We also welcome Marv to the FCVET. Several times during the year when COVID news got bad I had asked the team to make sure they were still willing to conduct the exams and never got one to say no.