FCHRE Logbook
Our April Gathering

Waitresses at McLeans
Due to The Executive Orders issued for North Carolina we are not able to meet in restaurants but this is not restricting on the air or internet activities. I monitor the Carolina 440 Network
I hope this pandemic will not last but we can handle it.
On the Air Activities
The Carolina 440 Network has been hosting a new net each morning at 11 AM. This is mainly a Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT) operators but they accept checkins from any amateur. They ask for reports on what they are doing in support of this emergency.

In addition I have been participating with the Bandhoppers group. They encourage amateurs to check into their Thursday night net and activities throughout the week. Activities have included digital modes like FT4, FT8 and of course Morse Code. Net control stations are dealing cards for Bandhoppers to log to see who can collect the most points. There is no cost to join the group. All you need to do is check in with one of the Net Controls.
Meeting Conducted on the Air
Members of the Johnston Amateur Radio Society (JARS) met on the air for their March meeting. If this continues I am sure this will expend to include visual displays using other platforms such as Zoom and Skype.
Not a Communication Emergency
This pandemic does not appear to be as of yet a communication emergency but this does mean you do not prepare your communication tools. Check your equipment, expand your capabilities. Amateurs radio operators in North Carolina should follow steps on the FCHRE website to get on the FEMA certificates required by Auxcomm
By Richard Hall – K7RLH
Mark Gibson, N4MQU, challenged members of FCHRE to expand our horizons and consider becoming an Aux Comm member, so, I accepted the challenge. Using my stay-at-home time wisely, I set out to complete the required courses listed on the FCHRE web site for Aux Comm.There is a daunting amount of material to learn and absorb, but, just like anything else, it will require putting things into practice to really make it stick! I was able to complete the four mandatory courses over five days and print my certificates. The next step was to register with NC Aux Comm Society and I must admit that I was puzzled at first.I reached out to Mark about the inability to register without a login password and he redirected my request to Scott Lewis, AB4SL. I received an email from Scott asking you for copies of my completion certificates and he advised that I would receive an invitation to enter the NC Aux Comm database information within a few days. I subsequently received the invitation with a login password and have filled out the database required info. So, having said all that, it really wasn’t all that difficult and I’m now in the database.
Richard Hall – K7RLH
Welcome 3 new Members
We welcome 3 new members to the group. K4CGB Christopher Bates of Wilson, and KF4IFE Russell Kendel and WN4RSS Randy Stark both of Cary. Christopher joined us thru our on line application form. Russel and Randy joined the FCVET. When our restrictions are over I hope we can develop some free testing opportunities In the Cary area.
Thank You
Thank you for reading this blog. If you are not a member of the Five County Ham Radio Enthusiasts join by signing up here. Our next dinner gathering will be held when the emergency is over. For last months logbook click on the link.