A rod to support one end of an HF antenna
The public is invited to attend an introduction to high frequency antennas at Wendell United Methodist Church. The speaker will be Curt Phillips The workshop takes place on Saturday August 7 at 1:00 PM.
This one-hour workshop will be focused on HF (shortwave) antennas for those new to HF and those with space or other restrictions. Handouts with web links for additional information will be distributed.
Curt Phillips (W4CP) has been a licensed amateur radio operator since he was 13 years old, over 50 years now. He has written on radio, electronics and engineering topics for numerous national publications, and has taught radio, electronics and energy engineering topics at NC State and Virginia Tech among other universities, as well for several local community colleges. He is a Life member of the American Radio Relay League.
Amateur radio exams will be given following the workshop at 2:30. All applicants must have a FRN issued by the FCC or a call sign and a valid email address. There is no charge for the exam. Walk-ins will be accepted but registration is preferred. Please register at https://fivecountyhre.org/study-tips-and-registration/
For background
FCHRE was recently recognized by the largest amateur radio fraternity in the United States the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) North Carolina section manager for their superior efforts involved in organizing Volunteer Examination Sessions during the COVID 19 Pandemic.
From the Federal Communication Commissions website
The amateur and amateur-satellite services are for qualified persons of any age who are interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest. These services present an opportunity for self-training, intercommunication, and technical investigations. Twenty-nine small frequency bands throughout the spectrum are allocated to this service internationally. Some 1,300 digital, analog, pulse, and spread-spectrum emission types may be transmitted.
HF antennas provide more choices for communication at all times before during and after communication outages. Amateur radio operators are licensed by the FCC to operate on amateur radio frequencies.

Johnston County Tornado Photo By Paul Dunn