By joining this group you agree to keep in touch us with us as you make your first contact. A lot of times we see people getting their license and we never hear from them. This may be nobody answers their call when they get on the air and they get discouraged. See the YouTube video Leave No Call Left Unanswered. You agree to report to us who your contact was and date. We pledge to follow up with you every 15 days after you get your license to check on your progress until you make your first contact and further contact as needed after that as you request. We will collect your contact information if you check the box first contact box on your amateur radio exam license registration form. Do you need to take an exam? Five County Ham Radio Enthusiasts has in-person amateur radio exams on the first Saturday of every month except July. Register at FCHRE. Be sure to check the block First Contact to agree to participate in the program. If you are licensed or will receive your license exam from another organization and have not made your first contact, join the Five County First Contact program here. Subscribe to our account on the same page so you can keep up with the group activity.