Five County VE Team
Thank you for furthering the hobby and fun of Amateur Radio by taking this exam to begin your trail or taking your upgrade exam. We, the Five County Volunteer Examiner Team, want you to know we appreciate your time and effort in diligently studying for the exam you are about to take. Also, please note there is NO COST for taking this exam through the Laurel VEC and there will never be any cost involved. Under normal circumstances, once you pass your exam and the information is turned in to the FCC, you “should” have your call sign or upgrade in the FCC ULS in a couple days. We would like to thank the <<location sponsor>> for allowing us to use this wonderful facility. Now, let’s get to the pretest instruction and get this show on the road!
- Applicants must turn off all electronics and they may not be visible to the applicant during the exam.
- Failure to comply will disqualify the applicant from further participation of this exam session.
- Cell phones may not be use during the exam session, this includes the calculator built into the phone.
- All phones must be powered off during the exam.
- Smart watches, Google Glass(s) and other smart media devices may not be in the exam area.
- If an applicant brings in their personal calculator, the VE must inspect and verify there is nothing stored in the calculator’s memory.
- Marking the answer sheet
- Do not write in the test booklet, you have been provided an answer sheet to mark your responses to the questions.
- If your test booklet has answers marked, or any marks for that matter, please let us know and a new test will be issued. You never know if the correct answers were marked or not! ?
- You will also be provided a sheet of scrap paper for your use which needs to be turned in with your answer sheet, or you may use the back of your exam if you wish.
- Do not write in the test booklet, you have been provided an answer sheet to mark your responses to the questions.
- Please use pencil to fill in your answer sheet – UNLESS YOU ARE VERY CONFIDENT – this way you can change your answer if need be.
- DO NOT CIRCLE THE ANSWER. We use a template to grade the exam and the circle will not be seen through the template.
- Retesting if you miss more than the maximum
- If you are within three missed responses away from passing your exam for Technician or General, or 5 for Extra, you will have the option to take a different exam. If you pass this second exam, you pass. Period.
- If you miss this second attempt, you will need to study and plan to take the exam at a different time.
- If you leave the exam area prior to turning in your completed exam for any reason, for example a restroom or smoke break; you will turn in all exam materials and your test will be graded immediately as-is and you will be informed of the result.
- Please remain silent during the exam session. If you finish quickly, find something to do that is silent. Respect the others who are testing.
- When you finish your exam, raise your hand and a VE will collect it and submit it for grading. You may leave the room silently at this time if you wish.
Filling in the answer sheets
- Fill in your name
- The control number is on the folder your test packet came in; you should have in front of you.
- The exam number is the number on your test in parentheses
- The element number is:
- Technician is Element #2
- General Element #3
- Extra is Element #4
- Do not write in the large box on the left, that is for VE use only
- Do not write in the box at the bottom right
- NCVEC Form 605 (Printed out only after you pass the exam)
- C.S.C.E. (Printed out after passing the exam)
- Test Folder (Contains test, answer key, registration sheet, scrap paper)