Portable RF Lab W2CK
From W2CK
HF radios ranked by receiver performance All the way back to 1958 in the case of Collins.
Portable RF Lab W2CK
From W2CK
HF radios ranked by receiver performance All the way back to 1958 in the case of Collins.
Wendell, NC The Five County Ham Radio Enthusiasts will be operating an amateur radio during opening weekend of June 17 -19 at the Wendell Museum. The radio club received a special event call sign W4L for the amateur radio station. Amateur radio operators all over the world will be able to talk to the station. Mark Gibson said. Mark is a resident of Wendell and the founder of the radio club. On Saturday June 18 the station will participate in the American Radio Relay League (ARRL) Kids Day. Kids will be allowed to speak to other kids participating in the event on the amateur radio station.
The first documented amateur radio operator in Wendell, NC was in 1930. W4AVT G.H. Wright, Jr. He happened to be the post master of Wendell.
Amateur radio is a fun family activity. Ready gov suggest that you have alternate forms of communication available. During an emergency is not the time to learn how to use your communication.
No charge Amateur radio exams are offered throughout the year and are published at https://fivecountyhre.org/ and https://www.laurelvec.com/
The Federal Communication Commission charges a $35.00 fee for new amateur radio license. The fee is paid directly to the FCC and is not collected by the volunteers administering the exam.
The kitchen is just inside the back door so we should have plenty of traffic. Photo Credit :KE4VNC
Photo Credit:KE4VNC
Photo Credit:KE4VNC
QSL Card designed by Tyler Church
Mark Gibson (N4MQU) will give a on air presentation on what goes behind the scenes at an amateur radio exam session. Mark Gibson has been the team leader of the Five County VE team since 2018 and the FCVET has conducted over 50 exams in North Carolina and Virginia and his team has processed had over 200 amateur radio applications.
Mark will give an overview of behind the scenes activities of the process a VE team goes thru to make sure you have a successful and pleasant process at your amateur radio exam.
Presentation will be on Tuesday May 10, 2022 at 7:00 PM on the K4ITL 146.880 repeater and on K4ITL/PCRN Facebook Group.
VE team member gets stuck