Thanks to the Volunteer Examiners K7RLH Richard Hall, KK4QEF Lannie Godwin, WA2KQY Stanley Disbrow for volunteering and Laurel VEC for not making us charge for the exams. We had a great exam session Saturday for a private group in Cary, NC.

We welcome the following new hams (not in order of the picture) to the hobby, Brian Boender KO4LHQ, Lynn Morrow KO4LHR, Philip Morrow KO4LHT, Ricky Johnson, KO4LHU, Mary Johnson KO4LHV, Zachary James, KO4LHS. Also Crystal Suazo KO4KPS upgraded to her general class license.

The New Amateur Radio Operators
The Five County VE Team may be able to give your group an exam contact