
WB8TNA Joe Pierce

WB8TNA and W3TWZ Tony Wagner

Area radio club activities to help us set a schedule
Our December dinner was held at the Smithfield Mayflower Seafood Restaurant. We had two new guest WB8TNA and W3TWZ of Lewisburg. We had a good discussion on DMR and the purpose of the hotspot. The members present decided to try the Second Monday of the month to see if we can get increased participation. KJ4TUC prepared a calendar showing area club activities to help us decide on a day of week.
Earlier that week a couple of us attended a holiday party put on by the 220 group at McLeans. Great turnout and I enjoyed talking to some old friends.
Members of the FCVET assisted W4CEC in his December 7 testing session. Chris had 10 people taking exams. One student from NC State went from no license to Extra. I spoke to someone from Campbell University recently saying they are trying to get something going in amateur radio. I told them about our free testing.
I am working on a venue but I chose the first three exam dates in 2020 they are February 8, March 7, and April 4. I chose the second week in February so we would not conflict with Frostfest.
I hope you enjoy the newsletter. Please help me get the word out about free test. If you are connected to any youth groups and need a testing session let me know.