By: Domingo Rogers (KE4NKY) and Mark Gibson(N4MQU)
The nice thing about being an amateur radio operator is that we are amateurs. This means as long as we follow the rules of the FCC the rest of the requirements are up to us on what we do with our privileges. Parks on the Air (POTA) allows the amateur to operate from parks all over the world for competition. This falls right in line with the FCC Rules that allow the amateur to operate solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest. These services present an opportunity for self-training, intercommunication, and technical investigations. Here is an interview that East Wake Television did about amateur radio.
This brings us to the park Domingo Rogers (KE4NKY) and Mark Gibson {N4MQU) decided to activate. we decided to activate the park closest to KE4NKY’s home,Raven Rock State Park . This park has a campground so our activation included our tents.

The plans were for a three day weekend starting on Friday. We set up camp and Domingo set up his station here is the list of particulars:
Unfortunately the rain in the forecast did not do well for our plan for a full three day weekend. There are more opportunities to operate a park in sunny weather versus inclement weather.
It is my experience that people camping are friendly so it is not uncommon to talk to people so when a guy in a golf cart stopped by I talked to him. Turns out he was interested in the radio Domingo was making contacts with. He use to operate his friends radio many years ago. He happened to be a park host and he stays at the park 30 days. Next month he will be in Florida. I don’t know for sure if he was a ham before or was a guest operator. I told him about POTA and gave him my contact information and mentioned to him I administer free amateur radio exams.
The next day we decide to pack up rain was in the forecast. Domingo struck up a conversation with the camper next door. It turns out he is a fire fighter from Goldsboro. Turns out some firefighters he knows are amateur radio operators. He may be interested in learning more. I gave him my contact information.
The thing about anything you do in life or in amateur radio is to have fun with it. I enjoy the activation but I also enjoy eating and campfires.

Domingo did most of the cooking this time. Something called Hobo Dinner Foil Packetfor first night dinner.

Hobo Dinner
Back to the POTA activation. Domingo made 43 contacts. I made 12. The Commander 7100 makes it easy to set up your equipment everything is in that container (except the antenna). I happened to own a Icom 7100 and the case makes a nice accessory. I will have to put that on my to do list. As far as the log this time we used a paper log but I am getting ready to start using HAMRS Logger.
For a previous article that Ken Castille (KN4GUS) did on POTA see CQ POTA, CQ POTA, CQ POTA! Five County Ham Radio Enthusiasts is an informal club with no dues and no officers we just enjoy ham radio and we organized a Volunteer Examiner team under Laurel VEC that has gave over 200 free amateur radio exams since 2018. For our schedule see Study tips and registeration. To join our group please complete a membership application and be sure to join our group io account.

Setting up the antenna

The antenna